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Part I: 快速破壞微管系統(Acute Microtubule disruption system

Part II: 超音波控制系統(Sonogenetic system

Part III: 2018 iGME參賽主題研究(Programmable signaling and Biowatcher)





2020 YSFxWorld 用聲音控制細胞!

Online tutorial: using Fiji to analyze your time-lapse images

1-1 How to download and update Fiji?

2-1 How to measure band intensity by Fiji?

3-1 How to measure fluorescence intensity of calcium imaging?

3-2 How to generate movie files from time-lapse images?

3-3 How to generate image sequence from time-lapse images?

4-1 How to measure vesicular trafficking?

4-2 How to generate multiple channel images?

4-3 How to measure aspect ratio of mitochondria?

How to search for important and interesting papers?


How to prepare for slides and presentation?


Essential Cell Biology
1-1 Super-resolution microscopy


1-2 Super-resolution microscopy


1-3 Super-resolution microscopy


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