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​Brief introduction of YCL Lab research (7 min)


本實驗室研究簡介(適合生科領域大一生) (2024.10 updated):


主題一: 精準調控微管系統

主題二: 超音波遺傳學

Glutamylation of centrosomes ensures their Functions by recruiting microtubule nucleation factors

Centrosomes undergo glutamylation, a post-translation modification that conjugates glutamate side chains to tubulin, and this has been found over 30 years ago. However, the physiological roles of centrosomal glutamylation remain unclear because of a lack of feasible tools to experimentally and specifically manipulate the level of glutamylation at centrosomes. We addressed this long-standing issue by chemically induced recruitment of an engineered deglutamylase to centrosomes for localized deglutamylation. With spatial and temporal accuracy, causative roles of glutamylation in centrosome structure and functions, for the first time, were comprehensively studied here.
Surprisingly, glutamylation is not required for the structural integrity of centrosomes. Rather, glutamylation helps centrosomes to physically recruit signaling molecules such as NEDD1/CEP192/γ-tubulin via electrostatic forces, ensuring proper microtubule nucleation and trafficking of centriolar satellites. Such functional centriolar satellite trafficking regulates the levels of ciliogenesis factors such as Talpid3, which promotes formation and maintenance of primary cilia. Aberrant glutamylation level at centrosomes perturbs mitotic-spindle assembly and causes mitotic defects. Our findings not only provide new insights of how centrosomes organize themselves via glutamylation but also offer a molecular mechanism to explain why hypoglutamylation in human patients carried the mutated glutamylases exhibit ciliopathies-relative symptoms.


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Hong SR, Chuang YC, Yang WT, Song CS, Yeh HW, Wu BH, Lin IH, Chou PC, Chen SC, Sharma L, Lu RZ, Li RY, Chang YC, Liao KJ, Cheng HC, Wang WJ, Wang LHC, Lin YC# (2025) EMBO J. Accepted "Glutamylation of centrosome ensures their functions by recruiting microtubule nucleation factors."(IF: 9.4; 23/313=7.35% in Biochemistry Molecular Biology) 


        在細胞內,有兩根微小的柱狀結構(大約是細胞的五千分之一大小),由於它們位於細胞的核心位置,因此被稱為「中心體」(centrosomes)。過去一個世紀的研究發現,中心體能作為基地,延伸出類似細胞天線的「初級纖毛」(primary cilia),以及如同骨架般支撐細胞結構的「微管」(microtubules)。當這兩根小柱子發生異常時,可能會引發癌症、神經發育疾病,甚至與細胞老化有關。有趣的是,中心體表面會像被「鍍膜」一樣,被加上一層帶負電的化學修飾,稱為「麩醯化」(glutamylation)。細胞內更動員了四位專責的“鍍膜工人”——TTLL4、TTLL5、TTLL6 和 TTLL11 等酵素——共同維持這層修飾。這種“四重保險”的設計,讓科學家推測麩醯化對中心體的功能極為重要。然而,過去三十年來,科學界一直無法精準地剔除中心體上的麩醯化,因此為何細胞要大費周章地將小柱子持續鍍膜始終懸而未解。
        我們的研究團隊近期開發出一套可以精準去除中心體麩醯化的技術。實驗結果顯示:即使失去了這層「負電鍍膜」,中心體的結構仍然保持穩定與堅固,但其功能幾乎全面受損。原來,麩醯化能吸引帶正電的分子,以促進微管的生成,而這些微管就如同細胞內的運輸軌道,讓中心體周邊的「衛星體」(centriolar satellites)得以運送重要的功能分子,協助初級纖毛的形成。細胞分裂時,中心體的「負電鍍膜」會幫助形成紡錘絲(mitotic spindles)排列染色體(chromosomes),來進行細胞分裂。這項發現揭示了中心體如何藉由麩醯化來調控自身功能的分子機制,也為多種相關疾病的可能病因提供了線索。

Precise Control of Intracellular Trafficking and Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis in Living Cells and Behaving Animals

Our understanding of how intracellular trafficking regulates cellular architecture and functions has largely relied on pharmaceutical inhibitors and gene manipulation of trafficking regulators. However, these methods often have off-target effects or require extensive preparation, limiting their use in studying dynamic transport networks and their roles in various disorders. 
We introduce a versatile and powerful tool, RIVET (Rapid Immobilization of target Vesicles on Engaged Tracks), which applies to nearly all transport vehicles, including lysosomes, endosomes, peroxisomes, post-Golgi vesicles, exocytic vesicles, recycling endosomes, synaptic vesicles, and centriolar satellites. RIVET enables rapid and reversible immobilization of vesicles within seconds, specifically targeting only the intended vesicles and associated vehicles. It also allows precise control of vesicles at different stages of endocytosis. For example, RIVET successfully blocks SARS-CoV-2 entry by inhibiting the early phase of ACE2-mediated endocytosis. Additionally, it controls intracellular trafficking in behaving animals, reversibly inhibiting synaptic transmission and locomotion in C. elegans.
RIVET is a powerful tool for studying a broad range of intracellular trafficking processes in various model organisms under different physiological and pathological conditions. It also holds promise for developing treatments for diseases such as tumors, neurodegeneration, developmental disorders, and infections where intracellular trafficking is disrupted.



Chen SC, Zeng NJ, Liu GY, Wang HC, Lin TY, Tai YL, Chen CY, Fang Y, Chuang YC, Kao CL, Cheng H, Wu BH, Sun PC, Bayansan O, Chiu YT, Shih CH, Chung WH, Yang JB, Wang LHC, Chiang PH, Chen CH, Wagner OI, Wang YC, Lin YC#. (2024) Advanced Science 11(45): e2405568 "Precise control of intracellular trafficking and receptor-mediated endocytosis in living cells and behaving animals". PDF




我們團隊發展出一個新的技術,取名叫RIVET(鉚釘系統; Rapid Immobilization of Target Vesicles on Engaged Tracks),它就像是細胞運輸定身術,可以在15秒內快速讓特定的運輸泡泡停止下來,甚至可以用開關燈的方式,照光讓設定好的運輸泡泡聽我們的命令反覆運行跟停止,這套系統可以讓幾乎所有種類的運輸泡泡停止下來,甚至可以用到整個生物中,利用光照讓生物體內的特定泡泡停止下來。我們利用這個系統成功地讓神經細胞及整隻線蟲體內的負責傳遞神經訊息的突觸泡泡停止下來,停止突觸泡泡的線蟲會像被麻醉一樣,無法動彈,但隨著關掉鉚釘系統,突觸泡泡會再度開始運作,線蟲又可以恢復運動能力!除此之外,新冠肺炎病毒也是靠特定的ACE2泡泡(胞吞作用)進到人體內感染人類,我們也成功利用鉚釘系統關閉ACE2泡泡運輸,抑制病毒入侵!

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Actin filaments form a size-dependent diffusion barrier around centrosomes

The centrosome, a non-membranous organelle, constrains various soluble molecules locally to execute its functions. As the centrosome is surrounded by various dense components, we hypothesized that it may be bordered by a putative diffusion barrier. After quantitatively measuring the trapping kinetics of soluble proteins of varying size at centrosomes by a chemically inducible diffusion trapping assay, we find that centrosomes are highly accessible to soluble molecules with a Stokes radius of less than 5.8 nm, whereas larger molecules rarely reach centrosomes, indicating the existence of a size-dependent diffusion barrier at centrosomes. The permeability of this barrier is tightly regulated by branched actin filaments outside of centrosomes and it decreases during anaphase when branched actin temporally increases. The actin-based diffusion barrier gates microtubule nucleation by interfering with γ-tubulin ring complex recruitment. We propose that actin filaments spatiotemporally constrain protein complexes at centrosomes in a size-dependent manner.



Cheng H, Kao YL, Chen T, Sharma L, Yang WT, Chuang YC, Huang SH, Lin HR, Huang YS, Kao CL, Yang LW, Bearon R, Cheng HC, Hsia KC, Lin YC# (2022) “Actin filaments form a size-dependent diffusion barrier around centrosomes”  EMBO Reports e54935. PDF

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中心體(Centrosome)是細胞中一個重要的微小胞器,它可以幫助細胞生成重要的細胞骨架-微管(Microtubule),或是生成細胞的天線-初級纖毛(Primary cilium),並且調控細胞訊息傳遞、細胞分裂等許多功能。若中心體發生異常會導致非常多人類疾病如多囊性腎病變、視網膜色素變性、發育異常等。為了能正常作用,中心體必須在細胞質中聚集許多特殊的蛋白質來共同執行它的功能,但與其他細胞內胞器最大的不同處是,中心體並沒有膜的構造去與細胞質隔絕開來,因此長久以來科學界一個重要的未解問題是:中心體如何在細胞質中建構一個微環境(Microenvironment)去聚集特定分子?
    過去研究指出中心體外圍的有聚集非常濃密的中心粒周物質(Pericentriolar matrix)、分岔肌動蛋白纖維(Branched actin filaments)、微管(Microtubule),我們假設這些濃密的物質可能會幫助中心體與細胞質阻隔開來。為了回答此問題,我們發展了一套系統可以偵測不同大小的蛋白質從細胞質擴散進中心體的速度。結果發現直徑小於5.8奈米的分子可以自由進出中心體,但是更大的分子無法進到中心粒周物質及更核心的區域,推測中心體外圍有一個只讓小分子進出的擴散隔膜結構(Diffusion barrier),我們更發現利用藥物破壞微管不會影響分子進出中心體,但破壞分岔肌動蛋白纖維會讓更大的分子(7.6奈米)可以進到中心體核心,證明分岔肌動蛋白纖維是構成中心體擴散隔膜的主要成分。這個擴散隔膜會在細胞分裂的後期(Anaphase)時變得更加緊密,只讓更小的分子進出中心體。我們還發現中心體會藉此擴散隔膜調控大的蛋白質複合體如γ微管蛋白環狀複合體(γ-tubulin ring complex)進出中心體,並藉此調控微管的生長。


Precise control of microtubule disassembly in living cells

Our understanding of how microtubules (MTs) regulate cellular architecture and functions is mainly dependent on MT-targeting agents (MTAs), which bind to MTs and perturb MT properties. However, the slow, inefficient, and non-selective process of MT disruption mediated by MTAs has prevented the dissection of causal relationships between targeted MT subtypes and cellular events. To address this long-standing issue, we describe here a series of tools that allow the efficient and rapid disassembly of specific MT subtypes and various MT-based structures, including tyrosinated MTs, primary cilia, mitotic spindles, and intercellular bridges. This is achieved by the rapid recruitment of an engineered MT-severing enzyme (dNSpastin3Q) onto target MTs via protein dimerization triggered by chemicals or light. Compared with MTA treatments, our system disassembles MTs more completely (disrupting ~93% of MTs in 1 hr), more quickly (8.53 to 9.67-fold faster than two widely used MTAs), and more specifically (disrupting only target MT subtypes) with efficient reversibility (The half time of onset and offset is 34.6 sec and 28.2 sec, respectively). Several types of long-lived MTs are more resistant to MTAs and often act as major railways to transport cargo and regulate organelle organization in cells. Therefore, the interpretations of how MTs regulate cellular architecture and activities in MTA-treated experiments need to be carefully re-examined. The swift and complete removal of the entire pool of MTs, regardless of their longevity, with our system  enables us to address long-standing debates in biology by clearly distinguishing MT-dependent and -independent mechanisms. We found that MTs participate in the directed movement of post-Golgi vesicles and lysosomes as well as the fusion/fission of mitochondria. Intact MTs were required to maintain the perinuclear distribution of Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum tubules. Moreover, MTs were important for the formation of large lamellipodia and prevented the formation of contractile stress fibers and the incidental increase in cell rigidity. We also uncovered several MT-independent mechanisms, as MTs were shown to have minimal roles in filopodia formation and in maintaining the mitochondria membrane potential, as well as in initiating apoptosis. Our tools also have far-reaching implications for the development of treatments for various diseases such as tumors, neurodegeneration, and developmental disorders in which MT-mediated events have gone awry.




Liu, G. Y., Chen, S. C., Lee, G. H., Shaiv, K., Chen, P. Y., Cheng, H., Hong, S. R., Yang, W. T., Huang, S. H., Chang, Y. C., Wang, H. C., Kao, C. L., Sun, P. C., Chao, M. H., Lee, Y. Y., Tang, M. J., & Lin, Y. C.* (2022). Precise control of microtubule disassembly in living cells. The EMBO journal, e110472. PDF



Sonogenetic modulation of cellular activities using an engineered auditory-sensing protein


Ultrasound has been widely used for diagnostic imaging owing to its acoustic wave which can be non-invasively delivered into deep tissues in a focused manner. The global market of medical ultrasound is estimated to reach 6 billion USD by the year of 2021. Human tissues are largely insensitive to ultrasound illumination, which makes it extremely safe to conduct diagnostic imaging without inducing unnecessary side effects to illuminated regions. However, this advantage can be turned into a drawback if one tries to use ultrasound to manipulate cellular activities for therapeutic purposes. To circumvent this long-term technical limitation and also to extend the toolkit of medical ultrasound, we have established sonogenetic approaches to control cellular activities using medical ultrasound excitation. One strategy we make use of is the identification of the ultrasound-responsive proteins from mother nature. We recently focused on the membrane protein Prestin, which resides in the mammalian auditory systems and is important for high-frequency hearing. Inspired from the assumption that several parallel amino acid substitutions of Prestin may be involved in adaptive ultrasound hearing, we introduced two evolution-based mutants N7T and N308S into Prestin protein of non-echolocating mice. Heterogeneous expression of this construct has allowed mammalian cells to sense ultrasound stimulation, which evoked a calcium influx from the extracellular space into their cytosol under a low-frequency and low-pressure ultrasound condition. Moreover, pulsed ultrasound can also noninvasively stimulate target neurons expressing prestin(N7T, N308S) in deep regions of mouse brains. Our study delineates how an engineered auditory-sensing protein can cause mammalian cells to sense ultrasound stimulation. Moreover, our sonogenetic tools will serve as new strategies for noninvasive therapy in deep tissues.


由於對焦式超音波能夠非侵入性地穿透到深層組織,因此被廣泛應用於醫療檢測,其全球市場估計將於西元2021年達到60億美金。人類組織大多不會受到超音波照射影響,因此利用超音波影像作醫療檢測非常安全,但也因此很難利用照射超音波來非侵入式地調控細胞生理活性去達成不同的醫療目的。為了克服此長久以來的技術限制並擴展其相關應用,我們希望能發展嶄新的技術去利用照射超音波來精準控制細胞生理活性,而從自然界中找出能感受超音波刺激的蛋白質會是成功建立此超音波遺傳學系統的關鍵步驟。我們近期的研究聚焦在一個與哺乳類高頻聽覺有關的膜蛋白質Prestin上。過去的研究推測Prestin蛋白質於演化上的氨基酸變動可能於哺乳類的超音波聽覺中扮演重要角色,我們因此比對能感受超音波及無法感受超音波物種的Prestin蛋白質序列,發現第7個及第308個氨基酸在無法感應超音波物種中大多是天門冬醯胺,而在能感受超音波物種中則分別頻繁地置換為蘇氨酸及絲氨酸。而將N7T及N308S點突變放入老鼠(無法感受超音波的物種)的Prestin蛋白質中,結果發現此突變的Prestin蛋白能增強數倍人類細胞超音波感受能力,實驗還證明只需極低聲壓及3秒鐘低頻超音波照射即可刺激有表現Prestin(N7T, N308S)的人類細胞。藉此,我們更活化小鼠深層腦的神經細胞。我們的研究揭露生物如何感應超音波的詳細分子機制,並且將提供嶄新的方法去非侵入性地執行醫療目的。

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Fig. 4 Schematic diagram of our sonogenetic tool. 

Movie 5 Excitation of ultrasound induces calcium influx in cells expressing mPrestin(N7T, N308S). 

Movie 6 Excitation of ultrasound vibrates mPrestin(N7T, N308S)-positive puncta.


  1. Huang YS*, Fan CH*, Hsu N*, Chiu NH, Wu CY, Guo V, Chiang YC, Hsu WC, Chen L, Lai CPK, Yeh CK.#, Lin YC.#. (2019) Nano Letters 20(2): 1089-1100 "Sonogenetic modulation of cellular activities using an engineered auditory-sensing protein"  (*Equal contribution; #Corresponding authors) PDF

  2. Wu CY*, Fan CH*, Chiu NH, Lin YC#, Yeh CK#. (2020) Theranostics 10(8):3546-3561. "Targeted delivery of engineered auditory sensing protein for ultrasound neuromodulation in the brain". Accepted (*Equal contribution; #Corresponding authors) PDF

  3. Fan CH*, Wei KC, Chiu NH, Wang HC, Wu RY, Ho YJ, Chan HL, Wang TSA, Huang YZ, Hsieh TH, Lin CH, Lin YC#, Yeh CK#. (2021). Nano Letters 21(14): 5967-5976 “Sonogenetic based neuromodulation for the amelioration of Parkinson's disease” (Equal contribution; #Corresponding authors) PDF



    為了克服此長久以來的技術限制並擴展其相關應用,我們希望能發展嶄新的技術去利用照射超音波來精準控制細胞生理活性,而從自然界中找出能感受超音波刺激的蛋白質會是成功建立此超音波遺傳學系統的關鍵步驟。我們近期與清大葉秩光教授合作的研究聚焦在一個與哺乳類高頻聽覺有關的膜蛋白質Prestin上。過去的研究推測Prestin蛋白質於演化上的氨基酸變動可能於哺乳類的超音波聽覺中扮演重要角色,我們因此比對能感受超音波及無法感受超音波物種的Prestin蛋白質序列,發現第7個及第308個胺基酸在無法感應超音波物種中大多是天門冬醯胺(胺基酸簡寫N),而在能感受超音波物種中則分別頻繁地置換為蘇氨酸(胺基酸簡寫T)及絲氨酸(胺基酸簡寫S)。而將N7T及N308S點突變放入老鼠(無法感受超音波的物種)的Prestin蛋白質中,結果發現此突變的Prestin蛋白能增強數倍人類細胞超音波感受能力,實驗還證明只需極低聲壓及3秒鐘低頻超音波照射即可刺激帶有Prestin(N7T, N308S)的人類細胞產生鈣離子反應,而大量流入細胞中的鈣離子會促使神經細胞產生神經衝動。藉此,我們更成功利用超音波活化小鼠深層腦區的神經細胞。




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Spatiotemporally manipulating tubulin PTMs in cilia

Microtubules regulate various cellular activities including intracellular transport, cell division, and cell motility. Defects in microtubules lead to a variety of human diseases. Microtubules undergo different post-translational modifications (PTMs) including glutamylation, acetylation, and so on. Evidence mainly from in vitro studies reveals that PTMs directly modulate the structure and functions of purified microtubules. Despite it’s known over decades, the precise mechanism how microtubules spatiotemporally regulate cellular activities via altering their PTMs is still unclear, mainly due to a lack of techniques to spatiotemporally perturb tubulin PTMs in living cells. In this project, we developed a new method termed STRIP (SpatioTemporally Rewriting Intraciliary PTMs) enabling us to rapidly and locally rewrite tubulin PTMs in living cells. More specifically, we rapidly deplete one tubulin PTM, glutamylation, inside cilia by inducibly recruiting an engineered deglutamylase onto ciliary axonemes (Movie. 4). The resulting de novo deglutamylation negatively impacted axoneme elongation during ciliogenesis without noticeably affecting cilia length or other tubulin PTMs in the steady state. In addition, axonemal deglutamylation inhibits kinesin-2-mediated anterograde intraflagellar transport and Hedgehog signaling. Our study demonstrates direct evidence of the causal relationship between the polyglutamylation of ciliary axonemes and ciliary functions. By extending the repertoire of de novo PTM modifiers in the future, a thorough cracking of their pleiotropic roles may become possible.


Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of the STRIP (SpatioTemporal Rewriting of Intraciliary PTMs) approach.

Movie. 4. Rapid recruitment of cytosolic proteins onto ciliary axonemes in an inducible manner.


Hong, S.R., Wang, C.L., Huang, Y.S., Chang, Y.C., Chang, Y.C., Pusapati, G.V., Lin, C.Y., Hsu, N., Cheng, H.C., Chiang, Y.C., Huang, W.E., Shaner, N.C., Rohatgi, R., Inoue T.,* Lin, Y.C.* (2018). Nature Communications 9, 1732 (*Corresponding authors) “Spatiotemporal manipulation of ciliary glutamylation reveals its roles in intraciliary trafficking and Hedgehog signaling. IF: 12.124; 3/64=4.69% in Multidisciplinary Sciences) PDF




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Manipulating cellular activities using an ultrasound-chemical hybrid tool

The development of approaches that control cellular activities has made it possible to dissect the underlying mechanism of cellular events and identify potential therapeutic applications. Sonogenetics, a newly emerging approach for activating cells by ultrasound, has drawn much attention. However, the existing approaches are only sufficient to modulate neural activity. We recently have overcome this technical limitation and successfully established a new system called SonoCID (Sonoporation triggered CID system) which uses focused ultrasound to precisely manipulate the cell physiology. Our system is able to control a wide variety of cellular activities in different types of cells. Using a short pulse of FUS, membrane impermeable chemical dimerizers can be introduced into living cells to regulate protein location and dimerization. We used the SonoCID to perturb the phospholipid metabolism on the plasma membrane in living cells within the timescale of minutes. This technique offers a powerful and versatile tool for using ultrasound to spatiotemporally manipulate the cellular physiology in living cells.



Fan, C.H.*, Huang, Y.S.*, Huang, W.E.*, Lee, A.A.*, Ho, S.Y., Kao, Y.L., Wang, C.L., Lian, Y.L., Ueno, T., Wang, T.S.A., Yeh, C.K., Lin, Y.C. (2017) ACS Synthetic Biology 6: 2021-2027. "Manipulating cellular activities using an ultrasound-chemical hybrid tool" (* Equal contribution) (IF: 5.382; 7/77=9.09% in Biochemical Research Methods)




Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the SonoCID system

Movie. 3. Excitation of a short pulse of ultrasound triggers the protein dimerization and translocation in living cells.

Using Chemical biology approaches to study primary cilia and centrosome

YCL lab is focused on one fundamental question in cell biology field: how primary cilium gets organized and regulated its signaling. Primary cilium is an antenna-like protrusion presented on the apical surface of almost every cell type in our body (Fig. 1A), while functions as a sensory organelle that transduces extracellular cues to specific intracellular functions. Defects in cilia formation will consequently result in a wide spectrum of human disorders collectively known as ciliopathies (Fig. 1B). Previous studies in ciliary field have mainly relied on conventional genetic depletion of ciliary proteins that often inhibits ciliogenesis and impedes deeper analysis in primary cilia. The ability to visualize and manipulate ciliary composition specifically and inducibly in living cells thus has become crucial to understanding how the ciliary structure and signaling events are organized and regulated. To achieve this, we recently developed a “chemically inducible diffusion trap” (CIDT) technique that allows us to (1) quantify the entry kinetics of protein of interests (POIs) going into primary cilia, and (2) translocate POIs into primary cilia for manipulation of ciliary composition or signaling locally on a second timescale (movie). With this technique, we have visualized, for the first time, the ciliary entry of cytosolic proteins in real-time, and have further proved the existence of a molecular sieve-like diffusion barrier with a mesh radius of 8 nm at the ciliary base (Refs 1,2). Using this new technique combined with live-cell imaging and a variety of established ones, we have elucidated the molecular composition and dynamic activities of several ciliary signaling including three cilia-related subjects: ciliary diffusion barrier, axonemal post-translational modifications, and intraflagellar transport. 



  1. Lin, Y.C., Niewiadomski, P.*, Lin, B.*, Nakamura, H.*, Phua, S.C., Jiao, J., Levchenko, A., Inoue, T., Rohatgi, R., Inoue, T. (2013). Nature Chemical Biology 9(7):437-443. “Chemically inducible diffusion trap at cilia reveals molecular sieve-like barrier”. (*Equal contribution) PDF

  2. Lin, Y.C.,* Phua, S.C., Lin, B., Inoue, T*. (2013). Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 17(4):663-671. “Visualizing molecular diffusion through passive permeability barriers in cells: conventional and novel approaches”. (*Corresponding authors) PDF


Fig. 1. (A) The structure of primary cilium. (B) Defects in primary cilia leads to numerous human disorders.

Movie. 2. Using CIDT to rapidly trap protein into primary cilia.


Institute of Molecular Medicine

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